Samsøe Samsøe chose mPOS platform from Front Systems in global unified commerce strategy.
Publisert 24.03 2021 av Front SystemsIn pursuit of the increasingly digitalized consumer, Samsøe Samsøe invests in a new mPOS platform from Front Systems. In collaboration with GoFact, Front Systems will aid Samsøe Samsøe in driving more sales with a higher margin, across all sales channels.
By the summer of 2021, Samsøe Samsøe will roll out the new mPOS system in all its 52 stores, spread across 9 countries.
Local presence in Denmark
Front Systems has recently established a Front Systems company in Denmark and hired a new Chief Commercial Officer with extensive experience in the Danish fashion retail market.
- Denmark is a very strong fashion retail market, and we are now directing our attention towards Danish retailers who operates locally, regionally, and globally, says Marius Lindholt, CEO of Front Systems. -We are very pleased with our collaboration with Samsøe Samsøe, who are moving fast forward using innovative and modern technology to provide an optimal experience for their customers and to provide a competitive advantage for Samsøe Samsøe. With our local presence in Denmark we will be able to continue our close collaboration with Samsøe Samsøe and with the Danish retail market.
Samsøe Samsøe
For Samsøe Samsøe, it is important that standard integrations are in place, "out-of-box" in their new mPOS and omnichannel platform. This provides Samsøe Samsøe with lower risk, significant time and cost savings, faster time-to-market, and faster time-to-value, in addition to maximum ROI. Since Front Systems has the relevant standard integrations in place, out-of-box (including GoFact, Adyen, Nedap, Salesforce, Microsoft and more), Front Systems was an easy choice for Samsøe Samsøe.

Best of Breed
Front Systems is based on an open, secure, and flexible cloud architecture, enabling the platform for swift implementation in the retailers existing application landscape. Front Systems offers an easy to use and stable mPOS and omnichannel platform, that facilitates a smooth, efficient, and coherent customer experience both online and in stores.
Front Systems ensures that retailers can safely run a modern retail business, in full interaction with other applications such as GoFact.
-We have collaborated with GoFact for many years and are happy to have such an important customer as Samsøe Samsøe using our combined capabilities and joint solution. GoFact and Front Systems complement each other perfectly and share a common understanding of what it takes to make stores competitive in today's market. GoFact's flexible and pragmatic approach makes them a fantastic partner, says Lindholt.
GoFact is a software for fashion retail, and revolves around handling suppliers' master data, utilization of sales potential when reordering or reshuffling goods, assessment of risky goods and easy handling of campaigns.
GoFact is best practice software and is used by retail chains in several European countries.
-We are pleased to welcome Front Systems to Denmark. They have a proven track-record with a strong mPos platform. The goal is to synergize the strengths of both GoFact and Front Systems - in the best interests of customers, says Henning Hausted, CEO of GoFact.