5 good reasons for a better stock overview in fashion retail and sport
Publisert 25.05 2023 av Front SystemsToday's market is constantly changing, and the time when customers were loyal to their favorite store on the corner is about to pass into the history books.
The competitor is no longer just the store across the street, both national and international players compete for the same customers as you.
The value of selling through an online store and marketplace is high, and will be necessary to survive in the long term.

Front Systems gives you 5 good reasons why you should have a better overview of your inventory, especially if you have a store that sells through multiple channels:
1. You avoid disappointing the customer.
If you have an online store, customers expect to be able to purchase the items shown on your site. If you display items that are out of stock, it's unlikely that the customer will return the next time they are looking for something online. Ask yourself, how many items do you think you're showing on your online store right now that you don't actually have in stock? Perhaps you have the sweater, but do you have it in the same color and size as your online store promises?
2. You show that you are organized.
You may not have the product in your physical store, but you see that the store on the other side of town has it. If you send the customer there just to buy the product, you are guaranteeing the customer that the product is available in the other store. If it's not there, the customer won't trust you again.
3. You don't waste time searching.
If you only count inventory once or twice a year, your inventory isn't as accurate as you might think. However, if you count your inventory more frequently, you avoid searching through a pile of items in the warehouse that you thought you saw there last week. If you count frequently, there's no doubt, whether it's regarding the product, color, or size.
4. You avoid the "Big Inventory Count."
Everyone has felt the impending inventory count. The store closes, sleeves are rolled up, and the inventory count begins. If you count more often, you avoid lost revenue due to inaccurate inventory.
5. You avoid making mistakes.
You're not alone if you've scanned a different item than the one that actually went home with the customer. If you scan the size large sweater because the medium-sized sweater had no price tag, the accident has already happened. Your inventory has become inaccurate, and this inaccuracy will follow your inventory until the next count.
With the right point of sale system, inventory control is a breeze. Do you need help getting started?